Trusted by over 100+ health clinics in mental health, dental, vision, physical therapy, medical nutrition therapy, digital health startups and billing companies.
Trusted by over 100+ health clinics in mental health, dental, vision, physical therapy, medical nutrition therapy, digital health startups and billing companies.

EMRs we work with:
EMRs we work with:

Clinics that use One Body have seen:
Decrease in staff frustration
Increase in cash flow
Decrease in claim denials
What our clients think about One Body
“One Body has really helped us streamline our operations and not waste hours and hours on the phone with payers.”
“One Body delivers consistent VOBs and its great for my clients because they never have to worry about what happens when staff is out of office or training new staff. My clients have peace of mind knowing they can rely on someone to do the VOBs. I’d absolutely recommend One Body!”
“Our cash flow increased more than 20% after engaging One Body to help us with verifying our patient benefits.”
“Culina was investing significant resources in staff and time for insurance verifications, prompting the search for a more efficient solution. I highly recommend One Body for their exceptional responsiveness and efficiency in handling insurance verification requests. One Body’s fast and attentive service sets them apart in the industry.”
“One Body provides you with accurate, easy to read benefits summaries that provides transparency to front desk staff and our patients.”
“Our front desk were so happy that they didnt need to do verifications any more. They were able to focus on filling the doctors’ schedules more efficiently when we hired One Body.”
Join our growing list of clinics who use
One Body to verify their patients’ health benefits
If you are a current client and have a question, please email Please do not fill out the contact form.